Upon listening to the pastor, or talking with the people, we've discovered that...no, they don't have an understanding of the grace of God. If they did, they would not have uttered what was just said. I don't mean for this to sound 'high and mighty' or arrogant at all, by the way.
Everyone is on a journey of learning and exploration. Some seem to really press into the word of God. And that's great, but it's not the 'be all and end all.' What we've discovered is (not to say we have arrived by any means) that grace has to come by revelation! Paul makes this statement more than once. See 2 Cor. 12:7, Gal. 1:12, Eph. 1:17, Eph. 3:3 and others.
God says in His word.. 'And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.' Jer. 29:13 We had such a longing for truth, and especially truth in this very area of grace and wanting to know God's true character. Were we sinners or saints, was God good or sometimes just an angry God? We had sincere questions that we needed sincere answers to, and God has delivered in many ways and will continue to answer as we ask Him.
We won't know everything while we are here on the earth. Maybe we won't even know everything in heaven. But I do know He answers a hungry heart. I know that He delights in us when we seek Him. I know that He is good, because his word tells me so.
Delight yourself in Him. Meditate on His word. Ask Him those things you are puzzled about and need answers to. He won't let you down.