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Monday, May 18, 2015

Names of Jesus

John is my favorite book of the Bible.

It (he) paints such a descriptive and beautiful picture of Jesus. He is the central figure of our Christian faith, the Object of our faith, and John did a wonderful job (through the Holy Spirit) of telling us who this Man is, and what He came to do.

In reading this first chapter of John, the varied names of Jesus are evident on it's pages;

The Word, the Light, God, the Only Begotten of the Father, the Only Begotten Son, the Christ, the Lord, Jesus, the Lamb of God, a Man, He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit, the Son of God, Rabbi, Teacher, the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth-the son of Joseph, the King of Israel, and the Son of Man.

Jesus is the great I Am. He is there for us [to be for us] whatever we need in the moment. There are many more names for Jesus, but suffice it to say that He knows what we need and He is capable of meeting that need in the fullness of who He is.

If you need healing, He is your Healer. If you are brokenhearted, He is the Mender of your broken heart. If you need strength, He is your Strength. (The joy of the Lord is our strength.) If you need a sound mind (peace of mind) He is your Peace. (You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee.) Thank you Jesus that You are our All in all.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

National Day of Prayer

Today is the National Day of Prayer.

I don't think we've ever needed prayer for this nation as we do right now. This is my own prayer for our nation. Please join with me in agreeing for these things to be done in Jesus' name.

Father, we come to you today with heavy hearts for the state that our nation is in right now. It seems that unrighteousness is ruling the day in so many areas of our society. Your word says that 'righteousness' exalts a nation. We are praying, Lord, and asking for you to lift up wise and righteous leaders in our nation. We know that there is HOPE for our nation to be turned around and we acknowledge that our hope is in YOU, not in government or it's leaders. You are the One who can turn it all around.

Our nation was founded on Your principles and values. Our nation was founded on the Rock that is Christ. Take us there again, Lord. Help each of us to preach the Word and declare Your goodness to those who don't know You. Help us as Your body to be united in Spirit. Help us to love one another. Help us to walk in Your ways.

We declare that You will have Your way with America. You are not finished with us as a nation. Use the United States of America to be a shining city on a hill. Use America to show other nations that Righteousness truly exalts any nation.

We lift up and pray for Israel as well, that she would be safe and secure. We know that Your hand is upon Israel, as she is the apple of Your eye. Let her enemies be scattered and brought to confusion. Let anyone who tries to attack Israel be brought down. We pray a blessing over Israel for continued prosperity, health, and shalom peace, in Jesus' name we pray. Amen