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Friday, June 23, 2017

God's Righteousness, Not Self-Righteousness-by Conformity to His Death

This is David's newest (and very powerful) booklet. It is available to purchase at the top right (make your choice and click the yellow Buy Now button). It contains 30 power-packed pages and the size is 3.5"X 5" You can order just one, five or ten copies.  

If you have any confusion regarding the topic of righteousness, this little booklet will set you on the right course. It is only 30 pages in length, so it's a quick read, but very concise and to the heart of what it means to be righteous; more accurately, to be the righteousness of God. I would urge you to order your copy (or copies) today. Easy to carry in your pocket or purse. You will be blessed!

Friday, June 9, 2017

Real Love - Two Minute Message

What is Real Love?

It's beyond anything we have thought it was. Real Love is God's kind of love.
If you are looking for a mate with which to travel through life, ask God to bring that
person to you. Don't go about "looking" for that one special person.
He knows who is right for you! Go to Him; seek Him, especially in this area of your life.
He won't disappoint you...I promise you that.  Watch the video for more info on this topic.

(Disclaimer: this is not my material below. It was taken from