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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Pray for America!

On this eve of 9/11, let's be in prayer for our nation.
There are those that would love to see us destroyed..all driven by satan.
His power is no match for the God of Abraham, if we stand in prayer and
ask the Father to protect us and this nation that was founded on godly
principles. Are you with us?

Let's pray.

Father in heaven, we boldly ask that you would put a hedge of protection
around our nation Lord. We plead the blood of Jesus over America! We curse
any and all plans of the evil one. We send confusion into the enemy's camp.
Father, let the enemy turn upon themselves and devour one another.
Father, this nation began as a godly one and You are not through with her yet.
Fight the battle for us Father, in Jesus mighty name we pray. Amen

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