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Thursday, April 11, 2013

God loves you.
Yes, I know it sounds trite, but it bears repeating. Sometimes we hear something many times over, but we don't actually let it get down into our hearts. Or, sometimes all that we allow to get down into our hearts is the negative stuff; bad names people have called us, negative things that have happened to us, etc. All of us have walls or barriers that we erect to protect ourselves. The problem with that is that we also "protect" ourselves from receiving God's love.

That very phrase, "God loves you," came alive in my heart one day as Pat Robertson spoke those words to me through the television, while watching The 700 Club. It was as if God himself was speaking it to me. That was "the day" that I gave my heart to Jesus. That was "the day" that salvation made sense to me. I realized that I couldn't be in charge of my life. I was not capable. And I knew it at that moment. That was the best moment of my life. I had to reach the "end" of myself before I could find my Savior. Thank you Jesus for being patient with me.

If you are reading this and you don't have a relationship with Jesus, don't wait any longer. Do it today. He loves YOU.

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