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Friday, June 7, 2013

Was your innocence stolen?

There is healing for every hurt.

If your innocence was stolen from you as a child, I want you to know
that God cares. Whether it be from emotional, sexual or physical abuse, 
your heavenly Father never intended that for you. He hurt with you.

The first requirement for healing to take place is for you to be born again. 
Jesus, in John chapter 3, tells us we "must be born again" in order to see
the kingdom of God. It's really being born of His Spirit, by the Word of God.
We believe what the Word says, concerning Jesus~His life, death, burial and
resurrection, and that He came to give us life. For me, it was coming to the 
end of myself, knowing that "I" couldn't do it. 

[See the Salvation Prayer on this blog]

The next step is to ask Jesus to help you forgive the person or persons 
who hurt you. He will forgive them through you, and begin to release
 you from the pain you have endured. Unforgiveness is poison.
He will set you free from that.
 Then start learning about how much God loves you. Read His word
 and ask Him to show you how much He loves you! He will amaze you. 
God is love...and His love is enough!

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