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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Restoration...I love the way God does things.

I watched this clip from CBN today [link below] and it got me thinking about the word Restoration.  God is in the business of restoration. He delights in it because He gets the glory and honor for transforming a life, but also because He loves His creation so much that He wants them to live an abundant life and not a life of addiction, depravity, and hopelessness.

No matter what you are facing or going through today, know that God loves you! He DOES have good plans for your life. He wants to bring restoration to you and your family. He loves the family and He loves healthy relationships. He sent Jesus for your restoration. [God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself.]

If you look up the word Restoration, you'll see the word Renew. He wants to make you NEW! If you are already born-again, just submit yourself to Him, give Him all your junk, get in the Word, ask Him and He will restore your life. If you need to be born-again, it's a simple process...Just say, "Jesus, I need you. Come in and make me new. I can't do this on my own. Thank you Jesus for loving me and bringing me into your family."

CBN TV - Finding True Freedom from Drug Addiction

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