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Monday, October 15, 2012

As I sit here today, I am so thankful for the NEW Covenant. Because of the New Covenant we don't have to choose one of our best animals, symbolically place all of our sins on that animal and bring it to a priest to be sacrificed. Even then, there was always that reminder of sin. I can't even imagine living that way.
Jesus, our sin-bearer, took all of the punishment that we deserved. His shed blood didn't just "cover" our sin, but completely removed it. The Bible says that there should be no more remembrance of sin. Praise God for his grace!
And as we take communion, we can reflect on this truth..."This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in REMEMBRANCE OF ME". He now wants us to remember Him instead of sin. Isn't that wonderful and freeing?

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