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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Joseph Prince - What is Earnest Prayer to God? - 22 May 2011

This is such a powerful teaching from Joseph Prince. God has given US authority to command things on the earth and in our own bodies. See Luke 10:19 and Titus 2:15
Earnest prayer to God, then, is taking and using the authority that we have been given by God to command situations.

Once at a Christian Women's meeting, God spoke to my heart as I was studying the Word. He said, "The Spirit and the Word work together to bring LIFE to a situation." It was a powerful word to me then, and whenever I repeat it, it's just as powerful in me. In other words, when we who are Spirit-filled (born-again believers) speak the living Word of God TO a situation that needs to change, LIFE goes forth to it. We are speaking life to it. I hope you will meditate on this today...let God speak to your heart about it. And if you need to watch the video several times, do so. Walk in your God-given authority.

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