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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Keep the web free!

This is not my normal sort of post today, but I feel compelled to say this today. As an American, I feel the need to do what I can to protect our freedoms, and really, the freedom of anyone who uses and appreciates the use of the internet.

Up until now, we have not been taxed or charged to use the internet. If control is given over, as Pres. Obama wants to do, all of that will change. It's not a matter of "will it?" but when and how much will we be taxed.

More importantly, it will be the end of freedom of speech, as we know it. If the internet is put under the control of nations with dictatorial leaders, THEY will decide who gets to hear and say what and when. People... this cannot be allowed to happen! It's time to rise up and do something about it. We can effect change if we get together and do it!

I urge you today to go to ACLJ's website and at the top of the page you'll see "UN CONTROL OF INTERNET AND FREE SPEECH." You can listen to Jay's radio program there (to learn more about it) and sign the petition (in favor of freedom) that will be presented at the Congressional hearing on Wednesday to vote to draft legislation to stop Obama from giving over even more of our freedoms by handing the internet over to the "international community" or the UN!!

Thank you!

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