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Sunday, March 2, 2014

About My Father's Business

I stayed home from church today. I was feeling a little funky, not to was -15 degrees outside this morning! We live in NW Wisconsin of the U.S. of A. and it has been mighty cold lately [pretty much all winter]. The kind of cold that makes your eyeballs hurt. Haha No...I'm not kidding.

I was watching Charis Christian Center's online service today. Here is the link.
Once you get there, just click on MEDIA and then LIVE STREAM. The times are 8:25 am and 10:00 am Mountain Time (USA) on Sunday mornings. Lawson Perdue and his lovely wife Barbara are the Pastors there. He was teaching from Revelation 1 this morning, expounding on who the person of Jesus really is.

As I watched the sermon, God began speaking to me about what he wants us to do. We had felt this was the direction to go, but God pretty much confirmed it in my heart. Not only did He confirm it, but He gave me insight as to why we were to do this particular thing. Sometimes we try to reason things out and if it doesn't make sense to us, we toss it aside. So, He knew I needed a reason! He is so good.

This is a prime example of how God gives us revelation and knowledge when we seek Him. His word says, ..."He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." Heb. 11:6c We are also told to "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." Matt. 6:33 These are His promises to us!

Jesus, when He walked the earth, asked his parents..."Did you not know that I must be about my Father's business?"  Luke 2:49b

He is a good God, and He isn't trying to hide things from us. He wants to pour into us, but we do need to position ourselves to be poured into, the same way you position a cup prior to pouring coffee in that cup. That means being available to listen to Him when He speaks. If we keep ourselves so busy and distracted by what the world has to offer, (which isn't much), we won't be able to hear from our Father in heaven. So, today....make yourself available to Him. He won't disappoint you.

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