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Tuesday, March 18, 2014


I love the book of John; it's my favorite book of the Bible. But, I especially love Jesus' analogy of us being sheep and He being the good Shepherd. I've always had a fondness for sheep, I guess because they look so cuddly with all of that wool, and they're cute! *Some say they are dumb, but they're smart enough to follow the shepherd!

Jesus even refers to Himself (John ch.10) as the "door." So, he is the Door and the good Shepherd. He says that his sheep know him and they follow Him. He goes on to say "the good shepherd gives his life for the sheep." (vs 11) I find it so beautiful that He who is the Door and the Shepherd becomes the 'Lamb' that was slain before the foundation of the world.

He was (is) the perfect spotless Lamb that gave His life for the sheep (us). He laid down His life, so that He could take it up again on resurrection morning. He did all that for you and for me; to give us new life in Him. Praise His name!!

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