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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Power of Right Believing

I am presently reading a book by Joseph Prince, (pastor of New Creation Church in Singapore) entitled "The Power of Right Believing." It just came out recently and is already on the New York Times Best Seller's list.

From this book, I'd like to share an excerpt from chapter 3 that deals with the power of hearing and knowing God loves you:

"I heard a story of a minister from Oregon who was assigned to provide counseling in a state mental institution. His first assignment was to a padded cell that housed deranged, barely clothed patients. The stench of human excrement filled the room. He couldn't even talk to the inmates, let alone counsel them ~ the only responses he got were groans, moans and demonic laughter.

Then the Holy Spirit prompted him to sit in the middle of the room and for a full hour sing the famous children's hymn that goes, "Jesus loves me! This I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong; they are weak, but He is strong." Nothing happened at the end of that first day, but he persisted. For weeks he would sit and sing the same melody with greater conviction each time: "Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. The Bible tells me so."

As the days passed, the patients began singing with him one by one. Amazingly,
by the end of the first month, thirty-six of the severely ill patients were transferred from the high-dependency ward to a self-care ward. Within a year, all but two were discharged from the mental institution." [taken from The Power of Right Believing, Joseph Prince]

If that doesn't speak to the power of those words, "Jesus loves me!" I don't know what does. Thirty-six people got their lives back, literally, from hearing and believing the truth of those three simple words! With child-like faith, sing along with the video that follows. My prayer is that you would know the love of the Father in a deeper way.

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