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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Broken Hearted

Before I came to know God through Jesus, many times I found myself broken-hearted. There were many things that happened to me, as I grew up and even as a grown up person that caused me to have a broken heart, including some very painful boyfriend relationships.

My father committed suicide when I was 19. That was the saddest day of my life, and yes, I was broken-hearted. I would say I was broken-hearted... to the core of my being. There were feelings of blame, shame, resentment, anger, confusion and betrayal. I was in a sea of emotional wreckage.

I was not a Christian at that time. I know that if I had been, it still would have been terrible, but I would have been able to cope with it so much better. I would not have felt the profound despair that I felt that day. Not that terrible things never happen to you as a Christian, but if you are a Christian and something bad happens, you have a "Rock" to depend upon. You have a "Comforter" to lay your head on. You have Someone who will listen to you in the midnight hours. You have Someone to run to when trouble comes. 

If you find yourself broken-hearted today...know that the Father loves you. He truly cares about you and everything that concerns you. I hope that you have been born again and belong to Him, but if not, you can do it right now. Just say, Lord Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God and that You died for me. You became sin for me. You paid the price for my redemption. You rose again so that You could offer me new life. I know that in You is the only place I will truly find life. I give you my life with all its brokenness...take it and do something with it. Amen

If you prayed that simple, but life-giving prayer, welcome to the family of God! He is the Healer of broken hearts. He sets us in families. He intercedes for us. Begin your journey by reading the book of John. You will never be the same!

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