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Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Joseph Prince talks about why there is trouble in this world. In order for there to be "free choice" there had to BE a choice. Humankind has a choice to make in all areas of life. Many make the wrong choices, and their wrong choices affect other people many times. It is always God's will for us to have the good, not the evil. So, if you are one who says "God is in control," no, he gave man dominion in the earth. If God were in control (truly) everything would be perfect on the earth. There would be no sickness, disease, abortion, poverty, crime, adultery, murder, tsunamis, tornadoes, etc. There will be a day when Jesus will make things right in the earth, but for now, it's up to us to make good choices and use our god-given authority in the earth. (see Luke 9:1, Luke 10:19)

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