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Monday, May 6, 2013


2 Timothy 4:7

New King James Version (NKJV)
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

We haven't posted for a few days because our son and daughter-in-law both graduated from college this past weekend and we traveled to Oklahoma to be part of that celebration. As a parent, you're so proud when your kids complete a task, especially an important one. It's a proving ground when you have to spend four years (or more) of your life and work hard to accomplish a great goal. They fought the good fight...they finished the race!

I can't help but think of heaven. As Christians, heaven is our ultimate goal and the way we get there is by faith. We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and His finished work, to be saved, and by faith we hang on to our belief. Our fight is the fight of faith. The things of life come against us, satan comes against try and get us to stop believing in the glorious gospel. But faith hangs on and doesn't give up or give in. Eventually, we get to "graduate" to heaven. What a wonderful day of celebration that will be! But, instead of celebrating for one day, it will be for all eternity!! Amen?

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