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Friday, May 24, 2013

History of Memorial Day

The Civil War claimed more lives than any other war. In the late 1860's, Americans began honoring their fallen in the spring of the year with flowers on grave sites and with prayers spoken.

Decoration Day was the precursor of the current Memorial Day. It began on May 5th, 1862, as a nationwide day of remembrance for the fallen, with flowers and flags. Originally, it was a day to honor only the soldiers who died in the Civil War, but it evolved into commemorating the deaths of all Americans who died fighting in any war or conflict.

With the passing of the Uniform Monday Holiday Act in 1968, it was deemed to fall on the last Monday of the month of May. This same law made Memorial Day a national holiday. The day is celebrated with parades, memorial services at grave sites, and is the unofficial start of summer. 

Father, we pray for the families of those who have given the ultimate sacrifice of their lives for the sake of love of country. Comfort near to them.

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