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Tuesday, May 21, 2013


With the onslaught of these recent storms, I feel compelled to send out a warning to people who have not made Jesus Lord of their lives.

Nobody knows when they will take their last breath here on earth, in this earthly body. Be assured there is an afterlife. Your spirit will live's just a matter of where? Hell or heaven. There are no other options. Just make a decision today to be ready, either for when Jesus returns for His bride, or you leave this earth by way of death. That day could be tonight, tomorrow or next year. Only God knows.

If you are ready to make Jesus Lord of your life,
all that is required is that you believe Jesus is
the Son of God, He lived as a man on this earth,
He died (to remove your sin and mine) on a 
cross. He rose from the dead, to give you new
life, and His desire is to live in you now. If 
you believe this, just say "Jesus, take my life
and do something with it. Come and live
your life in me, make me new." 

[If you prayed that short prayer and meant it in your heart, you 
are saved, you are a child of God, and you belong to Him.]

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